Newton Massafumi
Newton Massafumi
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo - FAU-USP
São Paulo - SP - 1977
Professional activities
August 1978 to March 1980
Company Integral Planning Office of Osasco - EPO
Position Architect
Team Arch. Tania Regina Parma; Arch. Paulo EB Pignanelli;
Arch. Mario TX da Silveira; Arch. Rodolfo Grossi Santos
Deployment Sector
• Urban Planning, Process Approvals and Information on Land Use and Occupation;
• Issuance of Land Use Certificate Opinions;
• Issuance of Permits for Street Layout, Subdivision and Dismemberment;
• Revision of the Zoning Law, Law No. 1485, approved in Oct/78.
Territorial Physical Sector
• Projects and Coordination of the development of Public Works;
• Elaboration of the Program for the Implementation Project of the "Program for the Supply of Urbanized Lots: PROFILURB / OSASCO";
• Public Works Project in the "Community Accelerated Urban Complementation Plan - "CURA";
• Executive Project of the Integrated Children's Center - Nursery and Children's Park Vila São José:
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d Address: Av. San Jose, Osasco - SP
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d Built area: 0.61-m²4d
• Executive Project for the Sports Center of Vila Ayrosa
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 Address: Rua Ostosco- da Silva
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf50d area
• Executive Project for the Jardim Santo Antônio Emergency Room
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d Address: Av. João de Andrade - Santo Antônio - Osasco - SP
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d Built area:0_m²-08d
• Preliminary project for Passarela, over Av. dos Autonomistas, Comandante Sampaio neighborhood, in front of the Railway Station;
• Preliminary design of Terminal Stations for Road-Rail Integration, next to FEPASA Stations in the following locations:
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 osad_scod station;
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 Station Commander
- Slaughterhouse Station.
April to June 1980
Empresa Pluri Engenharia e Projetos S/C Ltda
Services provided: City Hall of the Tourist Office of Aparecida
Position : Architect
• Elaboration of the Plan for the reception of Pope John Paul II, including Parking; Courtyard for Campal Mass; Connection and Interconnection of Highway BR-116 and Highway SP-66; Public Toilets and Changing Rooms; Bus Terminal and Belvedere.
• Partially built work.
July 1982 to August 1983
EmpresaSocilia S/A - Sociedade Administração de Bens
• Projects Developed in the Architecture Sector for Banco Auxiliar S/A Branches in different locations.
December 1982 to December 1983
EmpresaBanco Auxiliar S/A
• Study for the New Architectural and Visual Image of Banco Auxiliar S/A;
• Development of the 1st stage of the work consisting of the inspection of branches in Greater São Paulo, totaling 53 branches;
• Study of the typology of buildings and diagnosis of the potential next to the correspondent banking centers
February to April 1985
EmpresaBanco Auxiliar S/A
CargoProject Sector Coordinator - Architecture II
Equipe02 Architects, 04 Designers, 06 Designers
Didactic Activities
August 1978 to April 1980
Assistant Professor and Collaborator
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Taubate - UNITAU. Taubate, SP
August 1985 to 1989
Assistant Professor
Discipline of Architectural Planning for 2nd and 4th years - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Taubaté - UNITAU. Taubate, SP
Coordinador Didactic Pedagogical
Architecture Course at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Taubaté - UNITAU. Taubate, SP
As of March 2002
Discipline of Urbanism for the 1st year of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - Escola da Cidade. Sao Paulo-SP
Lectures and Seminars
On the Architects' Meeting - "Parque Ecológico Imigrantes"
BATIMAT 2011 - International building exhibition. Porte de Versailles - Paris - FR, 07/11/11. - »
Panel I: Sustainability
52nd Latin American Steel Congress | Latin American Steel Association (ALACERO). Rio de Janeiro -RJ, 11/15/11. »
"Architectural Conception with Steel"
"Steel Building the 2014 World Cup" - CBCA | PINI Road Show 2011 - The Steel Day - »
São Paulo-SP, 06/03/11. Salvador-BA, 08/03/11. Manaus-AM, 09/27/11. Porto Alegre-RS, 09/29/11.
"Sustainability in Buildings"
Ecotech Forum - São Paulo-SP, 12/02/10. »
Launch of the 2nd Edition House & Construction Special Sustainable House - "Chat on Design and Sustainable Architecture"
SpeakersNewton Massafumi Yamato - Architect
Paulo Alves - Designer
MediatorMarianne Wenzel (Editor Revista Arquitetura & Construção)
LocalFnac Pinheiros - São Paulo-SP, 09/01/10 - »
"The Design of the Exhibition and the Interferences of Architectural Spaces"
Seminário Rumos Itaú Cultural Design
SpeakersNewton Massafumi Yamato - Brazil 50,000 Years
Paulo Mendes da Rocha - 23rd São Paulo International Biennial
Nico Rocha - Missions
MediadorAgnaldo Farias
LocalInstituto Itaú Cultural - Av. Paulista, 149. São Paulo, 11/08/01
"Reflection on the Education and Production of the Architect"
Universidade San Marcos. São Paulo, 08/31/99.