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space for the exercise of specific functions can be configured as a inducer of technical innovations.


the exhibition space allows us to access worlds that are often rationally intangible, and are configured as a support for the most diverse languages.


space of multiple relationships that enables individuality and socialization and reproduces the desired world.

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what future do we want for our cities and our citizens?


believing that education is at the base of all human action, the projects that include this activity reflect the concepts of social equity, respect for the environment, ethics and citizenship.

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spaces where we experiment with new relationships and technologies.


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space for the exercise of citizenship, sharing functions and promoting the emancipation of relationships.

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©2021 - GESTO ARQUITETURA LTDA| 70, Rua 13 de Maio, Sala 3F, Bela Vista, São Paulo/SP
zip code 01327-000 |

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