Tania Regina Parma

Tania Regina Parma
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo - FAU-USP
São Paulo - SP - 1977
Professional activities
August 1978 to March 1980
Company : Osasco Comprehensive Planning Office - EPO
Position: Architect
Team: Arch. Newton Massafumi Yamato, Arch. Paulo EB Pignanelli,
Arch. Mário TX da Silveira, Arch. Rodolfo Grossi Santos.
Deployment Sector
• Urban Planning, Process Approvals and Information on Land Use and Occupation;
• Issuance of Land Use Certificate Opinions;
• Issuance of Permits for Street Layout, Subdivision and Dismemberment;
• Revision of the Zoning Law, Law No. 1485, approved in Oct/78;
• Elaboration of an audiovisual on the Zoning Law of the city of Osasco, presented at the III National Meeting of Municipal Entities of Planning and Urban Development.
Territorial Physical Sector
• Projects and Coordination of the development of Public Works;
• Preparation of Studies for Green Areas on public land;
• Elaboration of Studies for the Opening of Alleys in several districts of Osasco;
• Elaboration of the Program for the Implementation Project of the "Program for the Supply of Urbanized Lots: PROFILURB / OSASCO";
• Public Works Project in the "Urban Completion Plan Urban Community for Accelerated Recovery - CURA";
• Photographic survey of the areas to be implemented by the CURA Project works;
• Executive Project for the Integrated Children's Center / Nursery and Children's Park at Rochedale:
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d Address: Av. Getúlio Vargas - Osasco - SP
- Área Construída: 1.000,00 m²,00 m²
• Executive Project for the Sports Center of Vila Ayrosa
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 Address: Rua Ostosco- da Silva
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf50d area
• Executive Project for the Jardim Santo Antônio Emergency Room
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d Address: Av. João de Andrade - Santo Antônio - Osasco - SP
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d Built area:0_m²-08d
• Preliminary design of Terminal Stations for Road-Rail Integration, next to FEPASA Stations in the following locations:
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 osad_scod station;
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 Sampa Station
- Slaughterhouse Station.
• Photographic Survey of the Railway Stations, and of the areas to be implemented in the Terminal Station Projects for Road-Rail Integration.
January 1976
Executive Project for the Mamed Assy Residence
Owner Mr. Adib Mamed Assy
Address Estrada do Taruma s/ No. - Manaus - AM
Area 300.00 m²
Equipe Arch. Milton Assi Hatoum
August 1976
Hotel Executive Project in Manaus
Owner Mr. Adib Mamed Assy
Address Ponta Negra Road S/N - Manaus - AM
Area 2,900.00 m²
Equipe Arch. Milton Assi Hatoum
April 1977
Elaboration of Graphic Design and Logo of labels for heart of palm cans
Owner Companhia de Alimentos Mirage
Address Icoaraci - PA
Marcas "Yassa'Y do Brasil"; "Yna'Ya do Brasil"; "Tu'Ka do Brasil"; currently marketed in Brazil, Europe, East and Middle East
Team: Tânia Regina Parma - Photography;
Arnaldo Galvo - Graphic Artist
December 1977
Architectural Survey of House N 01, in Pátio do Colgio, Historic Center of São Paulo
Provision of Services to the Municipal Historical Heritage of São Paulo
EquipeArq. Newton Massafumi Yamato
October 1978
Hotel Executive Project in Manaus
OwnerMr. Adib Mamed Assy
AddressConfluence of Rua Darcy Vargas with Rua Recife - Manaus - AM
Area 9,000.00 m²
Equipe Arch. Avany de F. Ferreira, Arch. Milton Assy Hatoum, Arch. Jose Carlos P. Machado
July 1980
Twinned Residences - Executive Project
OwnerJoão Alberto Shimizu
AddressRua Lindia, 243 and 247 - Santo André - SP
Area220.00 m²
Constructed Work1982
EquipeArq. Newton Massafumi Yamato
Lectures and Seminars
On the Architects' Meeting - "Parque Ecológico Imigrantes"
BATIMAT 2011 - International building exhibition. Porte de Versailles - Paris - FR, 07/11/11. - www.batimap.com »